Monday, December 19, 2011

Powershell and Atomia Automation Server

First you need to create class library for CoreApiBasicAuth endpoint (use as a help how to do this)

Using this library (for example CoreApiBasicAuth.dll) you can connect to Atomia Automation Server. In following example I created powershell script to list Windows Websites for specific account.

$wsHttpBinding = new-object System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding
$wsHttpBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = [System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpMessageCredentialType]::UserName
$wsHttpBinding.Security.Mode = [System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpSecurityMode]::TransportWithMessageCredential
$endpoint = new-object System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress("")

$coreAPI = new-object CoreApiClient($wsHttpBinding, $endpoint)

$Acc = $coreAPI.GetAccount("123456")

#find websites for this account
$pageInfo = New-Object Atomia.Provisioning.Base.PagingInfo 
$strNames = @("CsWindowsWebsite")
$pageInfo.PageSize = 10
$pageInfo.PageNumber = 0
$res = $coreAPI.FindServicesByNamesForAccount($Acc.AccountId, $strNames, [ref] $pageInfo)
$sites = $res | ForEach-Object {$} | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Hostname"} | Select-Object propStringValue
Write-Output $sites


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